José Luis Ferrete

Full Stack Developer

Web Designer



José Luis Ferrete

Full Stack Developer

Web Designer



Mes: mayo 2023

mayo 27, 2023 Calendar overlay in SharePoint doesn’t support different site collections. Any Fix?

Este post nos redirigirá a un interesante artículo que ofrece información sobre: Calendar overlay in SharePoint doesn’t support different site collections. Any Fix?

mayo 26, 2023 Ridiculously Simple Power Apps Drop Shadow Technique

Este post nos redirigirá a un interesante artículo que ofrece información sobre: Ridiculously Simple Power Apps Drop Shadow Technique

mayo 25, 2023 The best way to map a projection query to a DTO (Data Transfer Object) with JPA and Hibernate

Este post nos redirigirá a un interesante artículo que ofrece información sobre: The best way to map a projection query to a DTO (Data Transfer Object) with JPA and Hibernate

mayo 25, 2023 New: Makers can now proactively request Power Apps premium licenses for their users

Este post nos redirigirá a un interesante artículo que ofrece información sobre: New: Makers can now proactively request Power Apps premium licenses for their users
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